“Juris Ferrum” LF general partner of the VI All-Ukrainian tournament in classical court debates "Ultima Ratio"

“Juris Ferrum” LF general partner of the VI All-Ukrainian tournament in classical court debates "Ultima Ratio"

09th on April 2024 in Odesa hosted the final of the VI All-Ukrainian tournament in classical court debates "Ultima Ratio" on commercial law and procedure. UBA Students' League was organizer with the encouragement and support of the South-Western Economic Court of Appeal.

VI Всеукраїнського турніру з класичних судових дебатів "Ultima Ratio"

“Juris Ferrum” LF had the honor to become the general partner of the event. 

Our firm delegated two judges - attorneys - to the tournament Ganna Gnizdovska and Nadiia Gnizdovska

Teams from Odessa, Kharkov, Kyiv, Vinnitsa, Lvov, Nikolaev competed in the tournament - participants from all Ukraine competed for the title of the best experts in commercial law and procedure. 

Generally, the tournament included:

  • 24 judges;
  • 20 members of the organizing committee;
  • 16 teams;
  • 12 partners;
  • 7 winners; 
  • 2 days;
  • 1 unforgettable memories! 

We are proud to have had the opportunity to support young lawyers and promote their career development.

Tournament "Ultima Ratio" became a pageant of legal excellence and inspiration. 

We are grateful to all participants and partners for a great event.