“Juris Ferrum” LF partner - coach of the participating team of 2021 Model Commercial Review

“Juris Ferrum” LF partner - coach of the participating team of 2021 Model Commercial Review

26th on April 2021 a review meeting held through real model commercial review, organized for students of the FEL ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov.

тренерка команди-учасниці Модельного розгляду господарської справи 2021 року

Model commercial review is a joint project of the Commercial Court of Odessa Oblast and the Faculty of Economics and Law, I.I. Mechnikov Odessa National University

Trial team considered to main case hearing, and the "Plaintiffs" and "Defendants" teams had the opportunity to demonstrate the best qualities. 

Teams stand up for their positions and eventually exchanged opinions, and were referring loans and the IMF. 


Students divided into three teams and dressed as participants in court proceedings: 

Court team: panel of judges (Inna Bila, Tetyana Ivanova, Daria Korz) and court session secretary (Natalia Karavaichenko) conducted for judges of Commercial Court of Odessa Oblast Yulia Bezdolua and Oleksandra Demeshina; 

Plaintiff team: Victoria Mytsa and Anton Prokopchuk mentored by attorney and “Juris Ferrum” LF partner Ganna Gnizdovska. 

Defendant team: Alina Stepanuk and Victoria Shaduk mentored by attorney and LF “Mutaf, Liksha and partners” partner Volodymyr Mutaf. 

At the end of the event, the panel of judges announced the introductory and resolutive decision parts in the case with a separate opinion of one of the judges. Court proceedings was observed by coaches together with the chairman of the Commercial Court of Odessa Oblast - Volodymyr Petrov, provost ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov - Andrii Smituh and head of Constitutional Law and Justice – Tetyana Stepanova. 

Ganna Gnizdovska received commendation as a coach for preparing the “Plaintiffs” team for the model review. This is a strict attorney’s approach to commercial disputes. Odesa attorneys are nice and calm only in appearance.