Juris Ferrum LF sports attorneys defended a Ukrainian athlete in a doping dispute

Juris Ferrum LF sports attorneys defended a Ukrainian athlete in a doping dispute

At the end of 2019, a Ukrainian synchronized athlete sought to “Juris Ferrum” LF, by the fact of detection banned furosemide in doping test. 

The athlete was threatened with a 4-year disqualification for violation of anti-doping rules.

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Doping cases for athletes aren’t only unpalatable but a serious threat to their career and reputation too. Lifetime disqualification or to 4 years can be reached for violation anti-doping rules. It can make a point to sports career. 

Our client sought legal help аs she was concerned about her sports future. 

The disqualification was reduced due to efficient work our lawyers on doping cases.


Grounds for sanctions reduction for violation anti-doping rules in our case are:

  1. To prove that the athlete didn’t take doping purposely.
  2. To establish how the banned substance ingested in the athlete's body.


Key work steps:

  • learn thoroughly the FINA anti-doping regulations and international practice.
  • prove that the banned substance ingested in the athlete's body unintentionally.
  • the athlete agreed to a voluntary absence.



Disqualification reduced from 4 years to 4 months. Our client got back to training and participates in competitions. “Juris Ferrum” team work on the case: attorney-at-law Ganna Gnizdovska and office manager Lyudmila Gnatenko.

Decision text by link.