🔎 What is this ranking about?
Since 2006, Yurydychna Gazeta has been compiling this ranking based on surveys of corporate lawyers and business representatives. It serves as a genuine barometer of trust in the legal field.
🌟 Which practices were recognized?
Ms. Ganna has been named among the "Practice Leaders" in the following areas:
- Sports Law.
- Customs Law.
Successfully resolved doping disputes and complex customs cases have not only been victories for our clients but have also brought well-deserved recognition to our team.
💬 Ms. Ganna’s comment:
“This is a victory for the entire team. Without them, no complex case would have been successful. We face challenges together and work tirelessly for our clients.”
We’re delighted that our managing partner highlighted the team’s contribution, making this message less formal and more heartfelt.
✨ The Juris Ferrum team expresses gratitude to:
Our clients, partners, and everyone who supports us. Your trust inspires us to move forward, overcome challenges, and reach new heights. 🎄
As we prepare for the holidays, we do so with joy and ambitious plans for the future!
The ranking results are available on the Yurydychna Gazeta website.