The Managing Partner of "Juris Ferrum" LF Ganna Gnizdovska, will speak at the Sport & Law: Win-Win Strategy conference, presenting on the topic "Specifics of Athlete Defense in Anti-Doping Cases".
As the Deputy Chair of the Appeals Committee of the National Anti-Doping Center of Ukraine and a member of the Dispute Resolution Chamber of the Ukrainian Football Association, Ganna Gnizdovska will share her expertise during the "Dispute Resolution" session.
🔹The reboot of the Sports Arbitration Court at the NOC.
🔹Updates to the UAF Disciplinary Rules and specifics of football justice.
🔹Arbitrability of sports disputes and the role of CAS in conflict resolution.
🔹Defense strategies in disciplinary proceedings (disqualifications, restrictions on participation in competitions, etc.).
📍Venue: Premier Palace Hotel, Kyiv, and online format.
🔔Conference Program: Details here
Ganna Gnizdovska’s participation in the conference will once again highlight the high level of professionalism of "Juris Ferrum" LF and our contribution to advancing sports law and protecting athletes' rights.